29 December, 2009

Illinois GOP Statement on Andy "Scumbag" Martin's attack on Mark Kirk

The Illinois Republican Party will have none of Andrew Martin's crap:

"The Illinois Republican Party disavows the statements made today by Mr. Andrew Martin in his statewide radio advertisements. His statements today are consistent with his history of bizarre behavior and often times hate-filled speech which has no place in the Illinois Republican Party. Mr. Martin will no longer be recognized as a legitimate Republican Candidate by the Illinois Republican Party."

Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party Chairman

GOP Statement on Andy Martin

According to the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, Martin's real name is Anthony R. Martin-Trigona, and that he has had a history of making bizarre claims. He was once denied a law license in the State of Illinois because the Illinois Bar Character & Fitness Committee found him unfit and unsuitable to be a lawyer, which considering some of the people they have accepted, tells you all you need to know about him. Oh yeah, he's also apparently a Birther, one of the first to loudly question President Barrack Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate.

Scumbag. Prior to this, he was polling at around 2% among Republicans. Now I doubt he'll get even a tenth of that.

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