22 November, 2006

Pull List - Week of November 22, 2006

Here's what I'm going to be picking up this week:

52 #29
Blue Beetle #9
Connor Hawke #1 (will give this series a try for a couple of issues at least)
Superman/Batman #30
Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5
Wonder Woman #3

12 November, 2006

Pull List - Week of November 15, 2006

Actually, a pretty big list this week.

52 #28
Birds of Prey #100
Checkmate #8
The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #6
The Omega Men #2 - Cyborg and Wonder Girl appearance
Shadowpact #7
Supergirl #11
Wonder Woman #3 - Robin, Wonder Girl, and Donna Troy appearance

09 November, 2006

The Beast Boy & Raven Comic Book Watch - 11/8/06

Here we are again, with yet another long-awaited (aren't they all?) issue of Teen Titans.

Teen Titans #40
Story by Geoff Johns; Pencils by Tony Daniel; Inks by Kevin Conrad

Continuation of the "Titans Around the World" arc. Frustratingly, no mention of Gar.

1) Raven arrives at a very familiar place, namely the same temple of the Church of Blood where she was resurrected.

2) While attempting some kind of ceremony, she is interrupted by Cassie and Kid Devil. Startled by Kid Devil's appearance (he bears a passing resemblance to Trigon, after all), she reacts.

3) Raven sorts matters out with her teammates, but then Bombshell (who is revealed to be the unknown "traitor" to the Titans during the One Year) intervenes. Raven and Bombshell struggle, and a certain disc falls into the pool of blood, causing the resurrection of....

Yep. Its Jericho.


At this moment there is no idea what this means to the Gar/Rae 'ship. Jericho and Raven seemed to be rather close in the old NTT days, but Marv Wolfman has always been adament that they were NOT romantically involved nor did he ever intend them to be. So make of that what you will. Since recent issues have seemed to indicate that Raven regrets breaking it off with Gar, and since there also seems to be an indication that Zatarra is interested in Raven, I'm tending to think the intention is going to be a potential Gar/Rae/Zatarra triangle rather than a Gar/Rae/Joey one. Again, I guess the only thing I can say is that time will tell. One thing I can say, though, is that Joey is almost certianly rejoining the Titans; he has been revealed to be one of the shadows on the preliminary cover for Teen Titans #41.

Which in turn means, Gar is not coming back to the Titans (at least for the moment) and will continue to be exiled into comic limbo. :(


The next issue of Teen Titans, #41, is scheduled for November 29th release. This will wrap up the "Titans Around the World" storyline. After that, Teen Titans #42 is scheduled for December 13th release. Teen Titans #42 will be mostly a solo story starring Kid Devil, but Zatarra is suppose to be showing up in the issue as well. Chances are, one of these two issues will probably give us our first real clue as to what to expect from here on out.

There is supposed to be a Titans appearance in 52 sometime before Christmas, but no idea as yet which issue; that will probably be the next time we see any sign of Gar. For general information, Cyborg recently appeared in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #5, while Cyborg and Wonder Girl also made an appearance in The Omega Men #1 (and are expected to be in the second issue as well). And of course, other cameos are always possible.

Keep the faith, guys. We'll get through this.


06 November, 2006

A Little Piece of Etymological Trivia

The word "Idiot" is derived from the Greek ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs ("layman," "person lacking professional skill," "a private citizen," "individual").  It was originally used in ancient Greek city-states to refer to people who were overly concerned with their own self-interest and ignored the needs of the community. Declining to take part in public life, such as (semi-)democratic government of the polis (city state), such as the Athenian democracy, was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters.

In other words....

Idiots were people who DIDN'T VOTE.



05 November, 2006

Pull List -- Week of November 8, 2006

DC Comics
Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #31
Green Arrow #68
Martian Manhunter #4
Teen Titans #40
Nightwing: Renegade (TPB)

02 November, 2006


Today is my daughter Megan's 10th Birthday.  Happy Birthday, Megan!!

(God, I can't believe I have a child who is now 10 Years Old....)

01 November, 2006

Wizard Magazine Lays the Odds

Wizard Magazine has laid down the odds as to who will be rounding out the new team in Teen Titans. Beast Boy is mentioned as a possibility, and this is what they have to say:

Hey. At least Gar/Rae is getting mentioned in Wizard. We've hit the big time! And to think a year ago we were being told "It will never, never, never, never, never, (ad nauseum) never ever happen..."

Full Disclosure Time: While Wizard places the odds as being pretty good that Gar will be returning to the team, I'm still sceptical. Yes, I'd love to see it happen right now. But Gar returning now doesn't quite jive with some of the other things I've been hearing, especially in regards to any new Doom Patrol series. I guess we'll get a better idea on what the likelihood is when Teen Titans #40 comes out next week; if Gar is not in that issue, then the odds are pretty unlikely he'll be suddenly popping up in Teen Titans #41 (when the "final" team is officially revealed).

Bottom Line: Gar fans, keep your hopes firmly in check and don't read too much into this. Wait until the issues come out, and celebrate and/or commiserate when the time comes.

(Special thanks to KTHunter for pointing this little tidbit out!)